Thursday, June 13, 2013

4 months!

My beautiful Clara,

This post is far past due as you are 4.5 months old now! You keep us very busy these days so I haven't had much blog time! So let's talk about what's new in the world of you!

Eating: Still mama's milk only! And it's doing its job--you weighed nearly 19 lbs (18 lbs 12.2 ozs to be exact!) at your 4 month appointment! You were taking 4-5 bottles of expressed milk when I was working but now that its summer it's strictly mama feeding you! 

Sleeping: So we mixed it up a little since last month. Now days we are trying to transition you to the crib. You've had a few rough nights (including the night that we had to take you on a drive at 9:30 because you would not calm down!) but it appears you are starting to get the hang of it! The doctor suggested that we start weaning you from the swaddle but we tried once and it was not fun. So we may need to go slow on that front. You still love your swing naps--and after a two week nap strike I think we may be back on track (knock on wood!) Let's hope sleep continues to improve. 

New Developments: You are so vocal these days! You make so many sounds and squeals. You also love to grab at things! You constantly grab at my hair--which hurts! But I am proud of your motor skills! You also got a new "Jenny Jump Up" and you like it a lot so far ! As you can see here:
You're not quite rolling but you're close! You are learning to sit however! But you still got a bit of a lean! 

Firsts and other Excitement: 
You went the pool for the first time ever! The water was chilly but you seemed to like it for the most part! You are an Aquarius--which is a water sign! 
You also have started sitting in a big girl high chair at restaurants! You love being able to sit up and look around :) 
You are such a joy overall. You are certainly strong willed and you are super curious about the world around you. We've had some days where mama feels like she'll go crazy cooped up in the house but as soon as we get out and about you are calm and love to look around! Especially now that you ride front facing in the stroller! 
I can't wait to see what this next month brings for us! I love you to the moon and back and I'd give you the moon and more!

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