Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Love Letter to my Sweet Girl

Sweet Clara,

Time is passing so quickly. I cannot believe you are almost two months old. Your daddy and I were watching videos and looking at pictures of your first week on this earth and while this seems like just yesterday it also becomes glaringly clear how BIG you are getting. 

I'm not going to lie, the first couple weeks of motherhood were rough. It's still not perfect. I still get frustrated and feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. But dare I say we are getting into a groove. I am slowly but surely learning how to be your momma. I know that it's never going to be easy but I know it will always be worth it.

After reading some baby blogs and reading countless posts on mommy message boards it hit me how truly lucky I am to have you my sweet, beautiful girl. You are truly my gift from God. I love you, even when you're my princess fuss-fuss because you were the child I prayed for, the child I envisioned myself with since I was a little girl.

I am so lucky  blessed because I get to watch you grow and flourish and become an amazing person everyday. I don't know what I did to deserve such a blessing but I will continue to thank God everyday for you. I know it's going to be hard at times, and I know I'm going to get caught up in the frustration at times--which is why I am writing this now. Whenever I get stressed I must remember that I am so grateful to be a mother and that this is my greatest job.

I love you so, so, much sweet girl. I look forward to all that the future holds and keep reminding myself to savor every moment.

Miss Clara's adorable kitty outfit

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