Sunday, March 31, 2013

Clara's Photo book

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

2 months

Sweet Clara--2 months have flown by! How is it possible that a little over eight weeks ago you were in my belly and now you are my thriving, smiley, feisty girl?

At your two month appointment you were 12  lb. 14 oz.--meaning you have gained over four pounds in the two short months of your life! You are a chubby girl :) You now where primarily 3 months clothes, some 3-6 months clothes, and can even fit into 6 months :! Since we switched to cloth diapers you have to have a little extra room for that big booty ;-)

I believe you were 22 1/2 inches long, you seem more pudgy then long though. I love your rolls, they are so cute! All of your stats put you in the 50th percentile--meaning you are right on target! The Dr. was pleased with development which makes me a happy mama!

Still mama's milk only! You eat like a champ...and you eat a lot. During the day you have stretched it out slightly--sometimes 2-3 hours in between feeds, but in the evenings you tend to cluster and eat every hour! If you are fussy the only thing that seems to help is to nurse (or get a bottle from daddy). But as long as your are nice in full you sleep well, so I don't complain.

Oh Miss Clara, I am afraid to talk about this in fear of jinxing it! These days you sleep anywhere from 6-10 hours at night. Crazy! This is the same baby that woke up every single hour the first few weeks. I didn't think I would make it. And you were so tired too baby girl. Turns out that what you need is your belly really, really full. Also, a tight swaddle because you tend to startle and flail and wake yourself up. 

You are not the best napper, but if we go on a little drive in the morning you tend to conk out in the carseat. I go on a coffee run at least once a day so that you have a chance to snooze :) You like to nap on mama too, which most of the time I am fine with. During your eighth week "wonder week" you did not want to nap anywhere but on me. But I do love your baby snuggles!

Things I love about you:
That beautiful smile! It's the best :) I love all the new sounds you're making. You coo quite a bit now. I love to hear your daddy interact with you and mimic your sounds. I love that I heard you sleep giggle a few days ago. Most of all I love you as a whole. Motherhood is hard but seeing you grow and thrive makes everyday worthwhile.

Things you love:
You like your Fisher Price Kick N Play gym more and more every day. You still like your swing (though the motor is dying so you mainly sit in it and look at the mobile, and sometimes it swings when I push it!) and being rocked in your Rock N Play sleeper. You like it when mommy and daddy make silly faces and noises. You also seem to always smile when daddy taps on your nose and says "boop boop boop". He calls this your smile button :) 

Another month of your amazing little life has gone by. I can't wait to see what the next month has in store. You seem to be taking so much in and developing more and more everyday. I want time to slow down some days and other days I can't wait to see what kind of little girl you will become. Overall I try to savor the moment and all that being a mom has to offer. I love you so much sweet girl! I am so blessed!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Adventures in Baby Products

Baby products seem to always be on my mind these days! I am obsessed with reading blog posts and reviews on the best products. Especially because we are in the process of switching to cloth diapers. Daddy isn't super on board with the idea but I love it because of  (a) the cost and (b) disposable diapers are wasteful, expensive and have a bunch of nasty stuff in them that could potentially harm my beautiful baby.

((Click on the pics for links to products)))

So we bought these--The Bumgenius 4.0--which through all my research I have found to be the MOST reccommended

( also I think this particular print is SO cute!):

and bought these--Bumgenius Freetime (recommended for nighttime due to higher absorbency, but bulkier!)

and apparently this (Bumgenius Diaper Sprayer) is a must have as well--helps to get off the gross without having to put your hands on it!

and the "wetbag" (this one is Planet Wise Organic large) for stashing it's cute!

All of this paraphernalia is an investment to begin with, but hopefully will save our family some green in the long we just have to get daddy on board!

Here are some other of my fave baby products so far! 
The Fisher Price Kick n Play Gym:

Baby Clara you LOVE this. You kick it like crazy and hear the sounds the piano makes and you just smile away :) Plus it's nice to be able to put you down and have hands free too :)

Aunt Melissa got you this  "Princess" paci which is SO cute (and let's face it you are a princess!)

But then bubby dog chewed it :( But I ordered you a new one! You've been taking your pacis more often which keeps you quite on car rides and helps momma get breaks from breastfeeding! woohoo!

Finally, your Snug-a-Bunny Swing/Basinette and Rock N Play sleepers are must haves for your momma because you SLEEP in them. Sleep is capitalized because to a new momma sleep is key. I love both of these products SO much. They are lifesavers.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Love Letter to my Sweet Girl

Sweet Clara,

Time is passing so quickly. I cannot believe you are almost two months old. Your daddy and I were watching videos and looking at pictures of your first week on this earth and while this seems like just yesterday it also becomes glaringly clear how BIG you are getting. 

I'm not going to lie, the first couple weeks of motherhood were rough. It's still not perfect. I still get frustrated and feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. But dare I say we are getting into a groove. I am slowly but surely learning how to be your momma. I know that it's never going to be easy but I know it will always be worth it.

After reading some baby blogs and reading countless posts on mommy message boards it hit me how truly lucky I am to have you my sweet, beautiful girl. You are truly my gift from God. I love you, even when you're my princess fuss-fuss because you were the child I prayed for, the child I envisioned myself with since I was a little girl.

I am so lucky  blessed because I get to watch you grow and flourish and become an amazing person everyday. I don't know what I did to deserve such a blessing but I will continue to thank God everyday for you. I know it's going to be hard at times, and I know I'm going to get caught up in the frustration at times--which is why I am writing this now. Whenever I get stressed I must remember that I am so grateful to be a mother and that this is my greatest job.

I love you so, so, much sweet girl. I look forward to all that the future holds and keep reminding myself to savor every moment.

Miss Clara's adorable kitty outfit

Monday, March 4, 2013

My favorite poem for my favorite little lady

Clara Jane,

My favorite poem is and has always been "I carry your heart with me" by E.E. Cummings. I actually carried your heart inside of my body for 9+ months so it only seemed fitting that I named your baby blog after my favorite poem. And even though you're now outside of me, your heart will always be a part of mine. 

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

1 month

My sweet Clara Jane, 1 month old

Clara Jane—1 Month

Baby Girl,

I cannot believe you are one month old already. This has been the quickest/longest, most wonderful/stressful month of my life. It seems like just yesterday that your daddy placed you on my chest, brand new and a little blue. How you’ve grown and changed already.

You’re about 10 lbs. (we didn’t have a 1 month checkup so I’m not 100% sure) and I would say around 21 inches long. You have a big round belly and a double chin. I love all your rolls though you’re a pain to give a bath to!

Momma’s milk! And we’ve gotten the hang of it—at least I think. Your daddy is giving you a bottle now and then thanks to my handy breast pump. That helps momma out!

The first few weeks were rough. Night two Daddy and I both had a breakdown. Then I pretty much had a breakdown (I blame your 3 week growth spurt and baby blues). But it’s getting better. And Happiest Baby on the Block is a lifesaver! You now sleep in 3-5 hour stretches a night…sometimes 6! It is wonderful. I have learned you are a loud sleeper and that just because you grunt and sometimes give out little cries that you don’t automatically need picked up. We’re figuring each other out.

Things I love about you:
Pretty much everything. You’re hard work for sure, but the best kind. I love when you sleep on my chest and how you draw your head back when you’re done eating and give a big stretch with your face all red and you’re cheeks so chubby. You have milk that runs down into your rolls a lot and it is SO cute. Love that you stretch your arms waaay up in the air when we take you out of your swaddle or put you on the changing table.

Things you love:
Spending time with your momma and daddy, momma’s voice, daddy’s snuggles, bubby kisses (at least we pretend you do!), your Fisher Price play mat, your swing (and we love it too because it’s how we get you to sleep!), white noise (especially ocean waves), learning to love your paci, and a good swaddle.

Clara Jane, daddy and I love you to the moon and back. I can’t even describe how wonderful it is to be your momma. I want you to continue to grow and develop and get big and strong but it’s going SO fast already. Know you are loved and so many of us pray for you and want nothing but the best for you. You are truly a blessing from God.