Clara Jane, you are officially 3 months old! According to the books I've read you are no longer considered a "newborn" and are now officially an "infant"--wow, crazy how time flies. I remember in those first few (hard) weeks how I kept thinking if we can make it to 3 months we'll be ok. And now here we are. I still can't believe you're really mine and I'm really a mother. It continues to be the most difficult but most rewarding job of my life.
This month was full of big changes. Mommy went back to work for the last 8 weeks of school. It was sad, especially the first day and I was worried sick how you'd behave for your daddy, but it surprisingly has gone really well! I love that you get to be daddy's little lady and you seem happy to see me every day when I come home! Also, it is 8 hours a day that I get to use two hands and be around adults (well, lots of kids too, but adult co-workers!) so that is quite nice.
Haven't been to the doctor's office recently so not 100% sure. But I would say definitely 15 lbs. or more by now. I am getting strong arms these days! Love my chunky monkey though :)
Starting to wear 6 month clothes! Crazy. The sleepers are a little big, but you're starting to burst out of all the 3 month clothes. Rolls are just every where--even on your wrists. You're pretty much the cutest thing ever.
Still mama's milk only! Still an excellent eater. You're taking bottles almost every day now that mama's back at work--and you're taking them like a champ! That was my biggest fear is that you'd refuse them and be cranky all day. However, you're like your daddy and like to eat so at a certain point you take it however you can get it.
Again, don't want to jinx it but still going good! We have our nights where you wake up grunting and need to be soothed (by a pacifier or the swing) but for the most part you like your sleep! You've been going to bed a little earlier (between 8:30-9) and usually wake up anywhere from 5 (not my favorite wake-up time) to 7. You started breaking free from your swaddle so we looked up the "escape-proof swaddle" and use that now--so far so good! I know eventually you will outgrow swaddling, but your startle reflex is still so strong and you constantly wake yourself up without it, so until you're clearly too big for it we will keep doing it!
When you're at home with daddy he swaddles you for a good mid-day nap...he says you go down for almost 3 hours sometimes! Mama still needs to work on her skills with getting you to nap. But I think you're slowly but surely setting a schedule for yourself. All in due time.
Things I love about you:
Oh, still just about everything. Since I've gone back to work I feel like I appreciate our time together so much more. As much as I love and miss you being away is nice because I have a chance to miss you and get to come home to your smile. Also, you've started to giggle! It's pretty much the cutest thing ever, and I love the sound. Your smiles and giggles make me absolutely melt. Anytime I am feeling exhausted or overwhelmed all you have to do is flash a gummy grin and I am putty in your hand!
Things you love:
You're still really loving your Fisher Price Kick N Play Gym--in fact you are now batting at the hanging toys with two hands! You also seem to like it when we make funny faces at you. Recently you've starting smiling so big when I sing to you! Today we were singing Justin Timberlake's new song "Mirrors" and you were just smilin' away.
You're getting a little more into your "toys". I got you an aden + anais Issie Security Blanket
or "lovie" that you enjoy sucking on. We've also introduced you to Sophie the Giraffe, which you seem to like ok. Daddy has you hold your "OBall" rattle every now and then too.
I love reading you books. I know you may not get everything but you seem engaged when I'm telling you a story. You look at me and like the tone and inflection that I use. Recently I purchased the Kevin Henkes book Circle Dogs
You have started to pull your head up during tummy time without the Boppy. You are starting to babble more and more and we're still working on the whole rolling over thing. You seem to take everything in at all times. No longer do you like being held up on the shoulder--you like to be on our laps, full engaged with the environment around you. Your head control is great and you can bear weight on your chubby little legs when we stand you in our laps. Also, if I have you propped up against my legs you grab on to my fingers and try to do a little "baby crunch" which I think is your attempt to use those stomach muscles to pull yourself up. I know that's a ways off but you're getting SO strong and so alert.
Every month that goes by I fall more in love with you. I love watching your personality come out. I would say that you are a happy baby. You're like your daddy, if your belly is full and you are clean and dry you are good to go! I can't wait to spend another month together--I am also excited for our summer adventures. I bought you a swimsuit and sun bonnet today--so we are all set! Love you to the moon and back. Keep getting big and strong and I'm going to do my best to slow down and enjoy you :)